Thursday, January 25, 2007
Great Scott! What a busy week this has been! We have the privilege of having our C.O.’s visit this week. We’ve received so much encouraging information so far.
Tuesday, the bro he gave us excellent reminders of the importance of the preaching work, even though we face opposition, life-threatening or not. And even though our life reaches death, Jehovah gives us the strength to remain faithful until the very end. What better way to go! Die for Jehovah, not for a country of imperfect and sinful human beings.
Anyway it was goooood. Then on Wednesday, it was not a good day for service. It was cold and rainy. But that didn’t stop us. No sir!
We went do some bus stops (yes, there were people there) and return visits. It was myself and 3 other sisters, including the C.O.’s wife. It was a very encouraging day. I am super-duper-cooper glad I got to work with each of them. Mari is very sweet and Willie is easy to get a long with.
Today, we had the book study and listened to another talk asking us if we have our eye focused on the prize. At the end, he brought out that when the Great Tribulation hits and destroys all of false religion, there will be no more time to do what we have not done now. Now is the time to do the most important work in the entire universe in all of history, to preach the good news of Jehovah’s Kingdom. Wow! Hot-diggity-dog! That talk was good!
- Anonymous said...
Fri Jan 26, 09:52:00 AM CSTI can see that you have had a week full spiritual activity. Very nice. That makes me even more exited, due to I have my CO visit starting Tuesday. I am looking forward to all the activity for next week. Especially our pioneer meeting on Saturday, that is always very encouraging.- Roy said...
Sun Jan 28, 11:31:00 AM CSTi know, it's always exciting to recieve the visit. and the pioneer meeting is very "estimulante". :)