Saturday, February 24, 2007

Well, there has been many things happening these past couple of weeks. Many good news, that is. But, as we live in this system of things, there are also, unfortunately, bad news.


Another one of my brothers is now serving as a regular pioneer. His name begins with an 'R' and ends with an 'S' and rhymes with 'boss'. One of my cousins also started that same career. My younger brother is getting to auxiliar pioneer for the next 3 months. Another of my friends has been invited to go to the MTS school, another is get'n hitch'd, and another has been assigned to serve where the need is grrrrreat. And my study has started to go to the meetings.


My study didn't study this past week.


Tuesday night at the meeting I was kinda blue. You see I had prepared for this part and it turned out that another brother had it. I was even excited to give it.


And on top of that, I didn't even get to listen to brother give it! I had to be outside to play security guard. It's that we've had some break-ins and now we have to take turns and watch the automobiles. Because of those wicked minions of Satan, I missed the part. But the good thing is that we're looking out for our brothers and sisters, and we are currently implementing measures to be able to listen while out there. So take that, you wicked minions of Satan!

So there are always good things and bad things. It's inevitable. But it's also inevitable that the greatest most goodest thing is yet to come.

-2 Peter 3.13 "But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell."


  1. Anonymous said...
    I glad to hear about your brother's new privilege. Congrats!
    I'm sorry to hear about your study, don't give up, be patient. I'm really sorry to hear about what's going on in your congregation. That's sad, how people don't have anything else to do, but commit crimes. We have had that problem in in my congregation. They have broken into three cars and even into the hall it's self. I think I'm going to have to sit in the parking lot and scare them off with my pepper spray. (bwhahahha)
    Roy said...
    so evil yet so spiritually zealous for our brothers and sisters.

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