Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Telemundo's Report on Bethel
Many have already seen this, but in case you haven't, here it is.
(Oh, and it's in spanish, obviously.)
Biblical Trivia #3 - QuestionHow old was Abraham when Jehovah changed his name from 'Abram' to 'Abraham', and why did he change it?
[To see previous:
Question#1, Answer#1
Question#2, Answer#2]
Monday, May 29, 2006
Well, again, while many others are not working, I am. Hopefully, we can finish early so we can make like a tree and leave.
A good weekend, I had. We did another wedding on Saturday. It turned out pretty good. People seemed to be having a good time dancing, so that's a good thing. The bride's maids had a surprise for her. They made a slideshow of pictures and video of friends and family from where she came from. That was a nice touch to the party.
Yesterday, we had our meeting. The excellent talk given by brother Ramirez asked us if we are content with the provisions that Jehovah has given and that is currently giving us. We should never feel malcontent with those provisions. His provisions include 1) His Word, the Bible, 2) His Holy Spirit, and 3) and the faithful and discreet slave, from which we receive spiritual food to strengthen us during these "last days". He also brought out that we should never feel like it's too much to study, it's too much to read, too many publications. Jehovah know what we need and when we need it and everything we recieve is im-por-tan-te. And we should always take advantage of what He gives us.
The Watchtower study was also great. But then again, they all are great. As we considered, it was about how to keep our hands strong, in a spiritual sense. It focused on the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah and how we should examine ourselves and what we have as priorities. In postexilic times, the most important work to be done was the reconstruction of Jehovah's temple. That was priority over all else. We don't want to fall into the same thinking as the israelites, and put work that we have, which is the preaching work, in second place. It's never second place for secular work, it's never second place for school. And if we continue to participate in that work, but whole-heartedly, then we will keep on receiving Jehovah's blessings. Because if we don't, he will retract it. And I don't think that's a good thing.
But anyway, that's pretty much it, my weekend in a nutshell.... a pretty big nutshell.
Ok, here's a joke: What happens when a frog illigally parks? He gets toad!!!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Wonderful Word #14
I find this word funny.... Makes me wanna say to someone, "YOU MALCONTENT!"
Malcontent (mal-kuhn-TENT; MAL-kuhn-tent), noun:
1. One who is discontented or dissatisfied.
2. A discontented subject of a government; one who opposes an established order.
1. Discontented; uneasy; dissatisfied.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wonderful Word #13
Cognoscente (kon-yuh-SHEN-tee; kog-nuh-; -SEN-), noun;
1. A person with special knowledge of a subject.
[Previous Wonderful Words: Multifarious, Propitious, Luminary, Felicitous, Implacable, Optimism, Assiduous, Serendipity, Serene, Loquacious, Duplicitous, Mellifluous]
Biblical Trivia #2 - Answer
Genesis 7.20 states that the waters reached 15 cubits higher than the mountains. Well, what is a cubit, you ask. According to the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures with References, the note at Genesis 6.15 shows that a cubit is 17.5 inches. So, if the waters reached 15 cubits: 17.5 inches x 15 = 262.5 inches. Now: 262.5 / 12 = 21.875 or about 22 feet.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Sun Setting
Actually, the sun isn't doing anything. It's the earth that's moving.... Anyway, this was during Bike Week there in Daytona. Well, I'm not going to type much, because I am tired. It's been a long week and it's not even over yet. So until next time.
Joke of the Day: How to Prepare a Chicken....
A waiter asks a man, "May I take your order, sir?"
"Yes," the man replies. "I’m just wondering, exactly how do you prepare your chickens?"
"Nothing special, sir. We just tell them straight out that they’re going to die."
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Well, it was a sad moment for many last night, in San Anto. But oh well. Just a game. It was a good season, somewhat, for the Spurs. But now, it's time to change teams. I am now going for the Suns. GO SUNS GO!
Anyway, yesterday, I went to HEB and almost everyone had Spurs' shirts and jerseys. It was kinda funny. Then I went home to see the game. I only got to see bits and pieces, but got to see the end. If only that shot was made right before the overtime. That's exactly what happened in a previous game. But it's ok. Dallas had what it took to advance.
On a different note, the Bible reading for this week is pretty awesome. But then again, they all are. Of all the verses, there was this one that I really liked. It was Psalms 25.15, which says: "My eyes are constantly toward Jehovah, for he it is that brings my feet out of the net." And by regular meeting attendance, reading of the Bible, the preaching work, and constant prayer, that is how we constantly have our eyes toward Jehovah.
Well, that's it for now. Now go. Go about your business.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Biblical Trivia #1 - Answer
For those who looked for the answer and for those who didn't have time, the answer to the question is found in Matthew 27.3-10. The chief priests did not want to put the 30 pieces of silver into the sacred treasury because it was blood money. So, instead, they decided to buy a potter's field to bury strangers, which was then called "Field of Blood".
It's also interesting that what they did was also prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah (Matthew 27.9,10), proving once again that Jesus was the promised Messiah.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Wonderful Word #12
Multifarious (muhl-tuh-FAIR-ee-uhs, adjective:
1. Having great diversity or variety; of various kinds; diversified.
[Previous Wonderful Words: Propitious, Luminary, Felicitous, Implacable, Optimism, Assiduous, Serendipity, Serene, Loquacious, Duplicitous, Mellifluous]
Monday, May 15, 2006
Twisted Cartoon #4 - Pobre Big Bird
This past weekend we dj'd another wedding. It turned out pretty good. The interesting part of the night was when the bride and her bride's-maids (spelling?) danced to 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun'. That's was the first time we have ever played that song and it WILL be the last. But at least, the girlies had their moment. I don't think we have done so many weddings in one year. And in 2 semanas, we have another one. Maybe I should stop going to these. I think they're a bad influence. Anyway, good for them. yay. whoopie do.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Wonderful Word #11
Propitious (pruh-PISH-uhs), adjective:
1. Presenting favorable circumstances or conditions.
2. Favorably inclined; gracious; benevolent.
[Previous Wonderful Words: Luminary, Felicitous, Implacable, Optimism, Assiduous, Serendipity, Serene, Loquacious, Duplicitous, Mellifluous]
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
That’s me, Ivan on the right, and that’s silly Osbely in the back.
It was with these guys, along with another bro, I went to and fro the assembly hall everyday. And as you can see, silliness was needed at times…. many times to unwind. But when it came to study or pay attention, of course, seriousness set in.
That reminds me of when a few of us were studying for the final exam. We stayed at the assembly hall after class and we ended up staying till like 10.30, I think. We went over all of the notes for the second half of the course, we ordered pizza, we walked to the dining room in our socks and ate there, shared some more laughs, then went back to finish up. And I remember what we were going over: prophecies, beasts, and horns… oh my.
[Spurs… Mavs… Game 2… Tuesday, May 9, 2006… 8:30pm (central time)]
Friday, May 05, 2006
I think this was the day of graduation. I woke up pretty energized. It was sad. It was especially sad the last day in Deltona with the brothers. They had a little farewell thing for me next door to the house where I was staying in, with my family and friends that came to Florida for the graduation. Nearing the end of the night, I sneaked out and went to the house to get something that I forgot in my room. When I got there, it hit me that that was going to be the last time I was going to be in that room, where I spent most of my time away from the classroom. The room was now the way it was when I first got there... Actually, the room isn't the same as when I moved in. It was just an empty room. But now, it wasn't just that. It was so much more. And it was sad to finally leave it and leave the house and leave the family that took me in and took care of me for 2 months, without even knowing me. This kind of love can be seen only in Jehovah's organization. And if I could sum up the eight weeks in one word: love. From the instructors and how they taught; to the care of their wives; to the brothers Roarks and Winkies and all of the assembly hall committee; to the brothers and sisters from the 51 congregations that brought us breakfast and lunch every day; to the congregations where we were assigned to, who had changed their meeting days for us; and to the family I stayed with. Love is what made all of that what it was. Truly, Jesus' words are fulfilled in Jehovah's organization, "By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves." (John 13.35)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Wonderful Word #10
Yes, we've gotten to the 10th most wonderful word!!! Boo-yah!!
Luminary (LOO-muh-nair-ee), noun:
1. Any body that gives light, especially one of the heavenly bodies.
2. A person of eminence or brilliant achievement.
[Previous Wonderful Words: Felicitous, Implacable, Optimism, Assiduous, Serendipity, Serene, Loquacious, Duplicitous, Mellifluous]
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Another View of the DBAH (Daytona Beach Assembly Hall)
Well, the Spurs de San Anto are leading the series with 3-2. The game last night was a good one. We were trailing for a while, but then the Spurs were up by 14, then the Kings caught up, but the victorious Spurs won the game. And after this win (finally), I forgot to get the free coffee that Valero gives away after every Spurs' win. I actually made my own. The brothers with whom I stayed with in Florida showed me how to make Cuban coffee. Ahhhh. Every sniff and sip of the coffee transports me back to my second family back in Deltona. I really miss them. Hopefully I can visit them sometime. Well, to lunch I will go. Tootle-loo.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Pretty in Pink
This was an interesting weekend. We had the Special Talk on Sunday, which was great. Our brother Garcia gave it wonderfully. We had an attendance of 126. The Watchtower study was also very good. But then again, they are all good. I liked how it simply explained to the ones visiting that day, the importance and urgency to flee from Babylon the Great. Hopefully good results come out of that special day. But, of course, it was for Jehovah's Witnesses too. How we need to be careful in not to participate in anything that has its roots in what is not christian, or pagan. For example, San Antonio's Fiesta or NIOSA. Keeping in mind how Jehovah sees those types of things is what helps us to avoid them. Anyway, thought that was a good point this one brother brought up.
Other than the meeting, there was a bridal shower my family went to. It was fun. It could've done without so many polquitas and a bit more bachata. I think they had asked for more polkas. But it was fun either way. I hope the wedding turns out well. My congrats to the happy couple.
On a sad note, the Spurs lost the last two games. Friday's game was a nail-biter. We were up by one, Ginobili had the ball, the last few seconds were ticking away. He decides to take it in. In the process, he looses the leather-skin, and the SAC make an easy bucket, winning themselves game 3. Last nights game was an embarrassment. We lost Game 4 by 18. Not worth talking about. We'll just wait and see if Game 5 has a better turnout. If not, too bad, so sad. :|
Have a great afternoon.