Friday, April 20, 2007
Well, hello there. It's been around 9 days since the surgery. Still recuperating. Still in... pain.
Besides that, we had gone to Sonora, Texas the Sunday before last. We left at 5am (zzzzzzzzzz) and at around 7:30 we were still on the road. It was dark. It was cold. Ice everywhere (we soon found out). And we were crossing a bridge.
I can still remember it. My brother Ross was driving my dad's truck. Ruben, the DJ, was in the passenger seat making sure we had tunes to jam to. Little big Rey was sitting behind the driver and yours truly on the right.
I was half asleep and half jamming. My feet were moving to golden oldies. Jim Croce, I think.
The next thing I know the driver gave a frightening groan. I looked and he was gripping the wheel with both hands, arms stiff. We slid on the ice on the bridge, we headed for the right side of the road, towards the rail. Good thing the rail was there! I remember seeing the rail getting closer. What seemed like minutes, a few seconds went by and we RAMMED into the rail. The front right side of the truck was hit, then we slammed on the whole right side of the truck. Ruben said that it felt like we were going to go over the bridge, but the rail obviously kept that from happening.After we hit, we went sliding faster than a figure skater to the left side of the road and skid on the grass. We had stopped. We looked around us. We asked if everyone was ok. We were. We got off and met up with our parents and grandparents who were in a car in front of us.
It turned out that another truck had crashed in that area. Within viewing distance, very nearby, an F-150, green, was flipped on its side. The police officer that was over there, quickly came over to us.
BUT IMMEDIATELY, we see another truck in trouble. It was an 18 wheel truck on the other side of I-10. It, too, lost control and flipped on it's side! It slid and hit the truck that was already down. It completely blocked the the road.
It all felt like a dream. As if it didn't happen. I guess it just went by too fast.
So the police guy that ran to us, quickly ran back. I have no idea if anyone from the other two accidents got seriously hurt. Gracias a Jehová, we were just sore from the whole thing, nothing serious.
But we made it to Sonora in good time before the meeting, met the loving brothers. Well, anywhere you go where there are Witnesses, you get the same treatment, right? So it was very encouraging to be there. It put my mind at ease, now knowing where exactly I was going go end up.
Now, I'm more excited than nervous now. :)
So that was my Adventure to Sonora. It was a day that started out bad, but ended beautifully.
- Anonymous said...
Wed Apr 25, 01:46:00 PM CDTScary! Glad everyone and everything turned out ok except for the damaged truck :( Well I hope your stay and help in Senora is fun. May Jehova keep blessing your efforts.- Roy said...
Wed Apr 25, 02:00:00 PM CDTyes. scary is correct. but it turned out to be a great day. :)