Wednesday, November 29, 2006

We visited the South Spanish Congregation last night due to their great privilege of being the host congregation for the Circuit Assembly. The district overseer, brother Greg, gave his talk called ‘Llevemos una vida sencillo e equilibrado’ (‘Living a simple and balanced life’). He brought out beautiful points and illustrated very well the need for a balanced and simple life.He illustrated it with a balance. According to Matthew chapter 6, we first place on one plate of the balance spiritual things. Then, to balance that off, Jehovah puts the needed material things on the other plate. So now it is balanced. Oh no, but wait! What if we start adding more material things on the material plate? Again, it is now unbalanced. As the brother emphatically expressed, it is up to us to put more on the spiritual plate to even up the scale, not Jehovah. So in that case, we would be adding to our load, not easing it up. So the main point of it all is that if we have a simple and balanced life, we will obviously enjoy it more fully.

And we got to meet our new circuit overseer, brother Lopez, who is another great brother from what I hear.

Anyway, there were many other points and illustrations he used, but this is the main theme of circuit assembly this weekend that will talk about “[storing] up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal” and keeping the eye simple (Mat.6.20, 22). We’ll be looking forward to that, no doubt.

Ok, now here’s a joke: A duck walks into a bar…


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