Friday, November 10, 2006

Oops. I kinda forgot that I haven't posted the answer to the question.

The question was: When will faithful humans be granted immortality?

Actually, that was a trick question.

The Greek word for ‘immortality’ is a·tha·na·si´a, which basically means “deathlessness”. According to the Scriptures, only a certain number have or will have the gift of immortality. Of course, Jehovah would be one, since He is the “source of life” and cannot die (Psalm 36.9; Psalm 90.1,2; Habakkuk 1.12).

Jesus was granted immortality after his resurrection (Romans 6.9).

And finally, the 144,000 Kingdom Heirs are granted immortality when they die here on earth (1Corinthians 15.50-54).

So that is a total of 144,002 who will ever be immortal.

Faithful humans (who are not of the anointed) will never receive immortality, but everlasting life here on an earthly paradise (Psalm 37.29; Revelation 21.4).


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