Sunday, November 12, 2006

My brothers and I visited the second half of the Circuit Assembly today. Ours is scheduled for the beginning of December. So we got a taste of what is to be mentioned in this year's program. It was, as always, very encouraging. We got to see and listen to our new district overseer and the visiting circuit overseer, which is, by the way, an MTS grad. It was very awesome. And the talks were about storing treasures in heaven, and not on earth (Matthew 6.19). The public talk was about how we can survive Jehovah's Day of fury by storing and accumulating treasures in heaven, doing His will, staying away from the spirit of the world, imitating Jesus, who imitated his father, Jehovah.

What about the campaign? The worldwide campaign of distributing the message "The End of False Religion is Near!" ended today. Eagerly we await to hear all of the experiences that brothers and sisters from all over the world have had on this special work. It's interesting that we are starting to hear a lot on the topic of the 'end'. This tract, the talks given by the c.o.'s in the congregations, the main theme of the District Convention we had last year along with the new publication, and the year text for next year show that the Governing Body are very much convinced that Jehovah's Day is very near.

Year text for 2007: Zephaniah 1.14 - "The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying [of it] very much."

Texto del año para 2007: Sofonías 1.14 - "El gran día de Jehová está cerca. Está cerca, y hay un apresurarse muchísimo [de él]."


  1. Roy said...
    yeppers. exciting, right?
    Anonymous said...
    Wow, and I thought this years was a big eye opener. No doubt time is running out!

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