Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Quick Build of October 20, 21, and 22, 2006 in S.A., Texas

This past weekend there was a QuickBuild of a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in San Anto. Sadly, I didn't get to help out as much as I wanted , but I did get to go check it out Saturday night .

One of the brothers told me an experience that happened there: There is this club in the block across the KH. The owner of the club came over to talk to someone in charge. He offered to donate close to 40 sheets of plywood to us (pretty expensive stuff). The brothers graciously accepted it. It turns out that plywood was needed to finish the C.O.'s apartment and the donated material was a bit more than enough to finish what was needed and then some. The beatiful windows were also donated, and the limestone for the outside of the building was given at a very low price, saving the brothers A LOT of green. And, wonderfully, this is just one of many similar experiences.

The last one I had been to was just awesome, as this one was for the brothers that volunteered for it. The wonderful thing about this is that the building goes up and is completed in just 3 days, and it's all done impressively well, and all by volunteers. Something that is done only in Jehovah's organization. And every brother and sister around the world that participates in these Quick Builds can all agree that 'happiness' is what describes these experiences. It's the 'spiritual paradise' that Jehovah promises those who live by his principles.

Gives us a hint of what is to come in the new system of things (2 Peter 3.13).

[Oh, and thanks M.Haley for "lending" me the pics .]


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