Thursday, May 31, 2007

Well, well, well. The day has come. Tomorrow morning, at 6am, cst, I head out to Sonora, Texas. I was going to leave this morning, but it was decided that it would be better to leave tomorrow morning. So I will be getting there like at 9 or 10 in the a.m., which gives me all day to get settled there.

"How do I feel?" That is the main question being asked of me. Well: excited, nervous, anxious, happy, sad, all rolled into one. But it really hit me when I left the Kingdom Hall for my last meeting there. After the meeting, pictures were taken, hugs were given, tears were shed... And after everyone was out, I looked around and said goodbye to the Kingdom Hall, the Kingdom Hall that I grew up in. The Kingdom Hall that I used to run in as a kid, and doze off in. The Hall that contained many of my brothers and sisters that were like fleshly mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters to me. It was pretty sad. The good thing is that where I'm going is not that far. I can still visit and others can visit muah (reader: read in French accent).

So this post will probably be the last one for a long time. Kinda similar to when I left for the school. (click here) But I will post when I can, to let you all know of my time, my life there. Ooo. It is very exciting.

Until next time, this is Roy R. Reyes, signing off.



THE KIDS (some, anyway)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tonight, on KLRN, the documentary "Knocking" was presented. It's a documentary showing an unbiased view on Jehovah's people. It was very interesting.

It shows us as different from the rest of the world. And, interestingly, that is exactly what Jesus command us to be.

John 17.16 "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world."

My brother had ordered the DVD of this program about a year ago and it has MANY interesting extras. In them, the narrator explains how he is very grateful to his mother, who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, for bringing him up the way she did, by Bible principles. Elders are interviewed, a lawyer from the branch, a spokesman for the Watchtower. It shows how our battles in the courtroom has really helped the liberties of the people in this country. And, for that, people should think twice about making jokes, slamming doors, hiding from us behind the curtain that "mysteriously" shuffles around, telling their little ones to tell them that they are not there, or getting completely silent after a knock at the door is heard.

And of course, it's understandable why people may react that way. To many, religion is a touchy topic. Many people believe, like this one lady at my previous employer, that religion and politics should never be discussed. And because we go to people's houses to talk about our faith, it bothers many. But we are not doing it to annoy or just to be different, but because that is what we were commanded to do.

1 Corinthians 9.16 "If, now, I am declaring the good news, it is no reason for me to boast, for necessity is laid upon me. Really, woe is me if I did not declare the good news!"
(italics mine)

Matthew 24.14 "And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

Proverbs3.27 "Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do [it]."

There were many points that can't come to mind right now. But if anyone would like to comment on any or anything, please do. "The lines are open." Let me know what you thought of the program.

A couple of days ago, I got an email from a "MarVel" about the showing and about a dozen forwarded text messages about it. It was kinda funny.

But in case you were one of the few who missed it, it'll be shown again on KLRN on Thursday at 10pm. Check your local listings (always wanted to say that). Or you can go to the website and order it at

p.s. 9 more days until Mission: Sonora.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Today is the day before tomorrow. Or you could also say that today is the day after yesterday. Anyway, be it as it may, this afternoon, I will officially be unemployed! But not homeless. A brother offered to rent me a room until I find a job and apartment. After 8 years here, it's buh-bye. Kinda sad and kinda scary moving on. Change is never easy at first, I guess. The brothers in Sonora are scouting, as we speak, for jobs. A sister called me back last night and told me of potential jobs I can apply there, according to the newspaper. So Monday, me and my grandparents are gonna go down there, or should I say "up there" (NW of San Antonio) and apply away. I've called a few places and sent a couple applications, but I think there will be a better impact if I go in person, I'm hoping.

What I can't be is too picky on what I get. It's like our D.O. said. He said that the only reason we have/get a job is to be able to serve Jehovah. Sure, we need it to pay bills and for sustanance, but THE reason is to be able to sustain us so that we could attend the meetings and preach the good news (Matthew 6.33; 24.14).

So things are going according to plan, sort of. Just having my last moments here at my job. But just as everyone I've talked to has assured me, Jehovah will provide. But I know with Jehovah's help, something will come up. No doubt about that, my friends.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

17 days until I cease to be a San Antonian and become a Sonorian, but will remain one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience of the glitched video. I will attempt to remedy the situation as soon as humanly and extraterrestrially possible.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We were sleeping. It was going well. All of a sudden, the fans turned off. Almost immediately I awoke, and as I slowly turned toward the alarm clock, my worst fear just came true: (well, not worst fear, more like a frustrating inconvinience) the power had gone out. It was 2:10am. It was totally dark. I got up and went to the living room to open the front door and let the cool air come in and bombard me with freshness. After about a minute, I was joined by two of my bros and my dad. The air was ok except that I was on one of the recliners, but it wasn't too comfortable. My upper torso was like lounging over the armrest. I don't know how that was happening, but it was comfortable at all. But I tried making the best of it. My companions were not all all sleepy as I apparently was. They were talking as if it was 2pm. They went outside, laughed, talked. Then all of a sudden the fan that was in the living room bursted on. I, immediately, (almost before it even came on) got up and went to my room where my fan and my bed were faithfully waiting for me.